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The Future of

Back Care Is Here.

BackHug reduces your back pain with precision and ease by combining proven physical therapy techniques with cutting-edge engineering, creating a device that can treat you all day long, without ever getting tired.

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Innovative Design,

Advanced Technology,

Personalized Relief

Man with closed eyes laying down on Backhug device with graphic overlay showing robotic fingers scanning the back

Back Scanning

BackHug scans your body, from your neck to your lower back, so it can align it's fingers to treat your unique back shape.

BackHug's robotic fingers apply deep tissue pressure in your back to relieve tension

26 Robotic

Deep Tissue Pressure (DTP) is applied to your neck, shoulder blades, upper back and lower back, reducing back aches by 51% on average.

Man laying down on BackHug device and holding phone


Adjust the treatment strength in four different areas (neck, upper back, shoulder blades and lower back), speed and heat settings all in real-time.

Mask Group 18

In-App Consultation

Get a personalised treatment plan with our 1-to-1 consultation and create the perfect programme to target your specific areas of pain.

A close-up of the U-shaped headrest


The V-shaped upholstery, U-shaped headrest,
and 90° leg raise position have been tested with 1000's of uses, to optimise your comfort  and therapy.

Mask Group 17

Tension Tracking

BTT measures your back tension after each session so you can see how effective BackHug is at releasing stiff joints and improving your overall back health.

We Need More Effective Back Care
"We Haven't Had The Technology Until Now"

There are a lot of treatment options available to help people reduce their aches and pains. However, all of them focus on muscles, which only offers short-term relief. Instead, BackHug focuses on de-stiffening joints, which is the root cause of pain.  Take a look at the chart below to see how BackHug stacks up against other treatments.



Mask Group 9

Massage Gun

Mask Group 10

Massage Chair

Mask Group 11

Manual Therapy

Loosens Stiff Joints
Lasting Relief From Aches and Pains
Never Gets Tired
App Controlled Personalisation
Adapts To Your Back Shape
Treatment Designed Specifically For You
Check Your Progress With Back Tension Tracking
fontawesome-5.14.0--Check Circle
BackHug-circularBackHug Mask Group 9Massage Gun Mask Group 10Massage Chair Mask Group 11Manual Therapy
Loosens Stiff Joints
Lasting Relief From Aches and Pains
Never Gets Tired
App Controlled Personalisation
Adapts To Your Back Shape
Treatment Designed Specifically For You
Back Tension Tracking


Asset 3

"Another difference from most massage chairs is that the treatment is personalised, based on a chatbot consultation through Backhug’s smartphone app (also used to control the device). Its robotic fingers probe and adapt to your specific back shape, and measure the amount of resistance encountered during each session, meaning users can quantify the extent to which different sections of their backs have relaxed, and track this over time."

Linda Geddes,
Science Editor


This Is How Easy Back Care Should Be

We understand that everyone's body is unique and that different individuals may experience stress, strain and tension for a variety of reasons. That's why we believe in the importance of personalisation when it comes to treating your aches and pains. Our advanced technology is designed to give you a fully personalised treatment experience, tailored to your specific needs and preferences.


Our Smart App Will Generate Your Perfect Back Care Plan

If you're unsure of what you need, take our in-app consultation and we will create the perfect treatment program for you.


Real-Time Adjustments Mean You Will Always Hit The Right Spot

Adjust the speed, strength, program, and more in real-time to ensure a truly personal treatment session that works for you.


Get Instant Feedback After Your Session To See The Improvement

After each session, you can track the tension in your back and see how BackHug is helping with our cutting-edge Back Tension Tracking.

John Vicker Circle portrait with shadow

5 stars

"I felt better on the first day. Originally I had difficulty getting on and off. but now, I've noticed I'm getting on and off easier. You know, I'm swinging my weight around better...I fully expect this to be the best there is"

John Vickers
BackHug User

Jessica Colson_testimonial_portatit_circle with shadow

5 stars

"BackHug is so effective, that even on the first time, you can feel the benefit."

Jessica Colson
BackHug User

Orlando Aquilon_testimonial_portatit_circle with shadow

5 stars

"My pain was 8-9 out of 10, but after BackHug, it reduced to around 2-3 out of 10!"

Orlando Aguilon
BackHug User

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The BackHug Difference:
The Scientific Approach to Alleviating Back Pain

The Science Behind BackHug

At BackHug, we are dedicated to providing cutting-edge technology that helps people alleviate their aches and pains and improve their quality of life. One of the key scientific principles behind BackHug is the concept of joint de-stiffening. Joints can become stiff due to a variety of factors, including age, inactivity, and injury. When this happens, it can lead to pain, limited range of motion, and other negative effects.

By de-stiffening the joints, we can help people improve their mobility and reduce their back pain.

Graph showinf 376% the back stiffness reduction in study participants who used BackHug, versus control group

BackHug Is Proven To Reduce Tension

In a recent study, BackHug showed an average reduction of 376% in back stiffness after just three sessions*.
*compared to the control sessions, which did not use BackHug

Get Back To Your Best

Whether you want to recover from injury or prevent a bad back, there are many reasons to try BackHug

A women bending over in the garden

Enjoy Your Hobbies

A women playing with a child - both smiling

Have Energy to Play

A man with grey hair doing yoga stretch

Increase Your Flexibility

Woman preparing to lift a barbell

Accelerate Recovery