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There's A Science To Everything,
We've Cracked It For Back Care.

Unlike other treatments that only focus on treating muscles, BackHug's unique technology is designed to de-stiffen joints, which is the root cause of most pain experienced throughout your body.

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Follow The Science:
How Stiff Joints Are Causing Your Pain

Asset 57
Compressed Nerves

Most of the pain we experience is a response to pressure on our nerves. So, to fix your pain, you need to remove the pressure from those nerves.

But where does that pressure come from?

Source: Kendal et al., Muscles: testing and function with posture and pain. 5th edition. 2005

Asset 56
Compressed NErve in Stiff Joints

The stress on your nerves almost always comes from the joints in your back. That's because the nerves in your neck, back, arms, and legs all start from the joints in your back.

Source: Moore., and Dalley. Clinically oriented anatomy 5th. 2006

Asset 55
Pain felt in centre of back

Your back is a magnet for stress in the body: It keeps you upright and bears the weight you carry. That stress accumulates as stiffness in the joints in your back, and just as a bicycle chain gets rusty in the rain, the joints in your back get stiff under stress.

Source: Orcan from Joints and ligaments of the vertebral column. 2022

Asset 54
Pain spreads around the body

Stiff joints in the back don't just cause pain in the back; the stiffness travels through the fascia to other parts of your body, resulting in headaches, shoulder pain, tennis elbow, tight hamstrings, tight calves, Achilles tendinitis, and much more.

Source: Adstrum et al. "Defining the fascial system"  Journal of Bodywork and Movement Therapies. Vol 21 (1). 2017. pp 173-177.

Treating The Joints Can Give You Lasting Relief,

See How Others Like You Are Benefitting

John Vicker Circle portrait with shadow

5 stars

"I felt better on the first day. Originally I had difficulty getting on and off. but now, I've noticed I'm getting on and off easier. You know, I'm swinging my weight around better...I fully expect this to be the best there is"

John Vickers
BackHug User

Jessica Colson_testimonial_portatit_circle with shadow

5 stars

"BackHug is so effective, that even on the first time, you can feel the benefit."

Jessica Colson
BackHug User

Orlando Aquilon_testimonial_portatit_circle with shadow

5 stars

"My pain was 8-9 out of 10, but after BackHug, it reduced to around 2-3 out of 10!"

Orlando Aguilon
BackHug User

Discover How BackHug Uses Science & Technology
To Bring Better Back Care Into Your Home

The Benefits of Treating Stiff Joints

By treating stiff joints, you can alleviate aches, pains and discomfort throughout your body, not just in your back. This includes headaches, shoulder stiffness, tennis or golfer's elbow, tight hamstrings, tight calves, Achilles tendinitis, and much more.

BackHug offers a convenient and affordable solution that focuses entirely on de-stiffening joints, providing lasting relief and improved overall health and well-being.

BackHug robotic fingers working on a medical prop spine to release stiffness from the joints and free trapped nerves

How Backhug De-Stiffens Your Joints

BackHug has been designed to replicate the physical therapy method of spine mobilisation to gently mobilise the joints in your back to release stiffness. The technology used allows for precision and personalised treatment for every user - the result is a highly effective, non-invasive treatment that de-stiffens joints, reduces pain and improves overall mobility.

Aches and Pains Secrets - All pages + Cover - Mock up

More Tips, Stories and Exercises From Physio and Founder, Chongsu Lee

As a physio, BackHug inventor Chongsu Lee discovered that treating stiff joints was the best way to solve most of his patients' issues. He also discovered that loosening joints was too hard, painful and boring for a human being. Find out more about why loosening stiff joints is key to your health in general and back aches in particular in his book!

How BackHug Differs From Manual Therapy

Unlike manual therapy, which can be expensive and time-consuming, BackHug is designed to deliver targeted pressure to specific areas of the back with ease and efficiency. With BackHug, you can enjoy the benefits of physiotherapy techniques like deep tissue pressure and joint de-stiffening, without having to rely on human therapists who may not always be available or able to provide consistent results due to the demanding strain treatment can place on human thumbs. BackHug is the ultimate solution for anyone seeking fast, effective relief from back pain, without the hassle and cost of traditional therapy.