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PACLA MEDICAL releases results of early trials of BackHug

by Chongsu Lee on

Edinburgh, July 3rd, 2019 – PACLA MEDICAL releases results of early trials of its BackHug robotic therapy device. 93% of respondents saw an improvement in their neck and back in less than ten minutes. The average improvement was 49%.

As we put the final touches to the BackHug robotic device, cubicle and app, we are thrilled to release preliminary results of real-world tests conducted during Spring 2019. Short ‘taster’ sessions of BackHug were performed in four different companies in London, Dublin and Edinburgh. Participants were surveyed before and after their sessions.

Key findings:

  • 89% of participants experience back and neck aches and pains

  • BackHug session improved the condition of 93% of participants

  • An average improvement of 49%

  • 95% of participants would definitely use BackHug if it was available at their workplace


These early results confirm that BackHug is a game-changing advance for well-being in the workplace.

Organisations interested in hosting a BackHug can contact us here